Thursday, February 4, 2010

Urban Survival: Mini Greens

Fact 1: I like living in Manila because it's near work, places I need to buy materials from and it's basically got everything...almost.

Fact 2: I love living in the province because my parents house is closer (which means free food, stuff and baby sitting..hehe) plus the air is fresh, my kid (soon to be kids) can play outside, food is great and fresher and most of my friends are there.

Fact 3: I USED to like living in a condo. Less space to clean, cozy therefore I will not get so lonely when the hubby is out. Easy to pay bills since admin is in-house (no bayad centers or banks to go to), security is tight, 24/7.

Fact 4: I have a growing kid with growing needs and another one coming this June. I also have A LOT of stuff, some are still in boxes since we moved last year. I need a third bedroom. I feel that our current place is so cramped though it's actually larger than other places we've seen, having kids and a crafting hobby needs more space.

Fact 5: The best I can do is figure out how to redecorate on a very tight budget and make the space work and bring in stuff that will make it more "organic", hence: PLANTS.

Fact 6: Several small plants have died in the condo. SEVERAL. Despite the fact that we water them properly, expose them to a whatever sunlight we can get here. They DIED. Apart from the occasional fumbling over (which causes such a mess!).

Fact 7: Leave it to Japanese technology and Filipino ingenuity to provide you with awesome and cool stuff.


No need for sunlight
Water them every 2 days with little water
No messy soil to worry about
Cute little mini greens that will leave people asking you: "Are they real?"

Oh, and yes they are very much real.

Prices start at Php130 each and they already come with nice, cute pots / planters and they place them in nice boxes if you wish to give them as gifts. The boxes also make them easy to carry around the mall while your shopping.

Got my 2 mini plants and 1 midi plant at SM Megamall 4th Floor Bldg A while looking for a stall that makes rubber stamps (my hubby needed one ASAP and the ones in National Bookstore and SM Department Store will take 10 days).

I want to get the big ones called MAXI and there were also bigger ones even.

I have this in Midi Size.


4.5 - Php130
6.0 - Php180
9.0 - Php300
12.0 - Php500
and the largest ones I believe are at Php1,000

I'm planning to buy more later on so I can place something at the office and bigger ones for the house (probably after my home make-over at a very tight budget package - working title..ehehe)

Anyhoo, 5 Green Thumbs Up! =)



  1. are your mini plants still alive? I've got 7 at home and 6 of them died since it's very warm. looks like they only thrive in cooler places (like malls).

  2. I am interested in growing and collecting mini plants. My problem is the source of pebbles. I am living in Cebu City and I cannot find malls selling these pebbles.

  3. @Roszain - unfortunately, mine are in plant heaven a year ago! So sad. Only fortune plants work for me in a condo setting. So hard to get plants to live here. :(

    @Anonymous - I think the sellers really import them. Not quite sure also if they sell those pebbles here. Unfortunately, the plants never survived my condo set-up.
