Saturday, April 23, 2011


While the babies are asleep, mommy will try to make a blog entry.

First off, I'm so happy we have been able to move and are still sane (hehehe).

Still so much to do at the house and so many things to organize but it's all worth it.

Seeing the kiddies so happy here where they have an outdoor area to play in (while dodging falling "indian-apple" mangoes but that's another story...)

A spacious room with extra closet space even for shoes! :)

A functional dining and living area where we can actually invite guests in and not be ashamed of all the clutter (well, still cluttered now since we're getting a storage room made this coming week but I'm hopefully by May, we'll have a clean and organized home!)

Hubby and I won't be arguing on who's going to get "mirror time" (yes, we had only 1 functional mirror because my full length crashed at the condo) because there's lots of those here

Laundry will be guaranteed safer, cleaner and faster because we're having a fully functional laundry area made

I can look forward to baking in the future (future because I have yet to acquire an oven and also I have no time at all...T_T)

I have decided to make this moving thing a project and document it (gulp!) and I will be a tough battle and will take much of my inner Jedi to make it all happen.
So here's the list:

1. Before and After Pics of

- Bedroom Project
- Living Area Project
- Bathroom Project
- Storage Room Project
- Organizing Project

2. Shopping Adventures

But of course! So many things to buy, so little budget, hence, Mommy will definitely go to market and HUNT for the best bargains and cheap thrills! (Ayos...nagamit din ang title ng blog!)

3. My summer giveawayS
- Because I was able to organize my stuff, I'll be able to give out nice little things that remind me of summer

I am seriously looking forward to hear what other mommies and even singles out there do, know a lot of people and get to share stories and tips here and there, hence this blog.

So excited!

Another busy day tomorrow!


1. Nail Spa (naawa na ko sa nails ko, I need it, nakakahiyang pumasok sa office on Monday eh...hehehe)

2. True Value and Home Depot

3. Grocery shopping

Goodnight world!


  1. Congratulations on your new abode. Looking forward to the pictures and enjoy fixing, decorating, and turning it into a home! :)

  2. happy grocery shopping to you!
